Thursday, May 28, 2009

About Me?

I'm sitting here having some thoughts as I update my blog and figured I would just WRITE them out. Every social networking site like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and Blogger has a section that allows people to write a little bit about themselves. Something I guess will help viewers and friends get to know or understand the person better. This "About Me" section is often carefully crafted, and trust I have seen many of which I SMH at and others which seem sincere and random. Whenever I see this section I hesitate and leave the whole space BLANK. Why you ask? I think some people think that when someone's about me section is left blank that person just doesn't want others to know anything about them. WHICH IS TRUE! But I'll tell you why I feel there is no need to fill in this section.

Americans love to talk about themselves! There's nothing more gratifying than to be sitting with friends at a dinner table and talk about your accomplishments, the things you have, what you want to do or have done. BLAH! To me it's all bullshit and I think our society is full of it. Selling yourself is one the easiest things you can do. When you go on an interview you try to be at your best and you try to sell to the future employer why you will be the best candidate for the position. You feel you need to present yourself like the best possible person, and you work at trying to achieve this. And this is exactly what I don't want to do.

Because the truth is I am not perfect, no one is! Nothing I can say to you in an about me section or display in a bunch of pictures will ever make you understand me or my life completely, it's more complex then you think. Like they say, "You may see my glory, but you don't know my story."

Social networking sites are killing the way we communicate with each other. I simply can not stand it or deal with it so I try my best to stay away from it. What happened to an old fashion phone call just to say hello. Now people just go on Facebook and write on your wall, and if you don't respond it's rude, or your just not up to date with how the whole social networking works. I don't care for looking at a million pictures of people doing foolishness and being befriending as if the person actually cares ABOUT MY ABOUT ME. I need more substance. The hope is that people would like to get to know each other on a much deeper level than just through the computer screen. It's just my opinion though........

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